I went to W*lmart the other day to restock my crepe paper streamer supply for my crepe paper rose pomanders. To my disbelief, my color has been discontinued and there was only one "classic pink" roll on the shelf. It was over-crowded by the new color-- "rose petal". Blah!
I called over 8 W*lmarts (in 5 different cities/towns). No dice. I had to explain what crepe paper was to many of the associates I spoke to. No, it's not like construction paper. No, it's not like tissue paper. Oy.
I ended up going to a W*lmart and finding 8 rolls. My mom went to a W*lmart near my hometown and found 4 rolls. But I still want more just in case. I still have 4 more pomanders to make and 20+ miniature pomanders for our tall centerpieces.
So if you're at W*lmart and see some B*st Occasions "classic pink" crepe paper streamers let me know!
no way!!!!! will keep my eyes out