
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A wedding wish from the President

We got a note from President and Mrs. Obama in the mail today!
It's not a personal note, and it's not personally signed by the president or first lady, but I still think it's a pretty cool thing to have.

Want your own wedding wish keepsake from the president?  It's super easy.  
Just send a wedding invitation to President and Mrs. Obama.  I mailed theirs out with the rest of my invitations in mid-April, so it took about 7 weeks to get the note.

Here's the address:
The Honorable Barack Obama and Mrs. Obama
The White House
Greetings Office Room 39
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500


  1. that is SO cool. :) mental note to invite the president to my wedding. whoever that may be, whenever that may be :)

  2. Awesome- I am waiting for mine!!

  3. I have been waiting for mine FOREVER!!!! I can't wait to get it!

  4. we invited the obama's too! I displayed our response in a frame at the wedding :) P.S. What kind of a camera do you have? your pictures are amazing! - tell me afttter your honeymoon...I know you're too busy now!

  5. Great idea! I created my nephew's and future niece's wedding invites and thought this will be a great surprise. Can't wait to see their reaction.


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