
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Let's be honest here my floral budget isn't the $5,000+ that I would like it to be. My reception centerpiece idea is to have 2-3 different centerpieces on the approx. 15 tables.

Floral Centerpieces
I'd like to have our florist do some of the centerpieces-- low floral centerpieces. I like the colors and shape of this centerpiece.

Tall Centerpieces {DIY}
My florist said that tall centerpieces start out at $65 each. I had a hard time validating spending that much on a centerpiece. So I started looking for tall centerpiece inspiration to DIY.

Since our wedding and reception is being held in a 1940s barn I wanted to go with rustic kind of look. I have 6 manzanita branches that I can use to make these centerpieces.

Candle Centerpieces {DIY}
I have 24 cylinder vases and many floating candles. I'm still working on this idea. I did a mock-up, but now I don't know if I like it anymore.

If I had a $5,000+ floral budget, this would be the tall centerpiece.

A girl can dream, right? :)


  1. You should check out my post about pomanders... you could definitely make fabric pomanders to put on branches and they would look similar to the pics you have on this post. My blog is It is only taking me about 1/2 a yard of fabric for each pomander, so they are costing me about $5 each.

  2. Love the idea of having tall and low centerpieces. We're doing the same! They're going to look so great.. looking forward to hearing more!


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