
Monday, October 18, 2010

You say flower balls, I say pomanders.

I call them pomanders. I don't like the term "flower balls". They look too pretty to be called "balls". Anyway, I finished my first crepe paper pomander. I'm using them as aisle decorations.

The directions on how to make them can be found here: (I ♥ this blog!)

Here is a video of Shelley from House of Smiths demonstrating how to make the crepe paper roses:

I used a 5 inch white Styrofoam ball form and light pink crepe paper from W*lmart ($1.25 each). The key is to use a 40% or 50% off coupon to buy the Styrofoam balls-- they're pricey. They come out to be about $2.50 with the coupons.

Jack wanted his picture taken with the pomander.

Now, I just need to decide what color of ribbon to use--green, white, or green with white polka dots. What do you think?


  1. Gorgeous! I think I like the white, for what it's worth. I can't wait to finish mine! (P.S. Jack is adorable!)

  2. So cute! Still can't believe those are made out of crepe paper. I think I like the white ribbon best too. Represent the rose and white, son!

  3. I am going to make some of these. Thanks for sharing the link that shows how to make them. They are so pretty. Would look very elegant at a wedding reception. With the right lighting, nobody will be able to tell that the flowers are made of paper.

  4. Oh. My. Goodness. Beautiful. I LOVE pomanders (did NOT know what they were called). I know one day my wedding will definitely not have a big flower budget, but I always wanted these. I TOTALLY would do the crepe paper version! Beautiful. :)

    Personally, I like the green polka dot ribbon. They really pop. Beautiful.


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